Union Hill Day School has an open door policy.
Parents are always welcome!
Parent Information
ALL children must be current on immunizations and have an immunization record on file to be admitted. We do not accept children with immunization exemptions.
Union Hill Day School will be closed on the following holidays:
Labor Day
Thanksgiving and The Day After
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day
New Years Eve and New Years Day
Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday
Good Friday
Memorial Day
4th of July
These are paid holidays for our teachers. Therefore, tuition will remain the same if a holiday falls during the work week.
Hot lunch is included in your tuition. Parents furnish infant food until they are eating table food. A lunch menu will be emailed monthly. A protein, fruit and vegetable along with milk is offered each day.
A morning and afternoon two part nutritional snack will be offered each day. We ask that toddler, pre-school, and kindergarten-age children not bring food from home unless they are bringing enough for their entire class except on Wednesdays. Children may bring a sack lunch each Wednesday, please note hot lunch will still be available.
Gymnastics and dance classes are provided by Tippi Toes Dance, soccer lessons are offered by Soccer Shots, and yoga sessions are conducted by Pose and Play Yoga. These activities are available for parents to register their preschool and kindergarten children. Children aged two and under are eligible to enroll in dance, soccer, and yoga programs. Please note that these classes require an additional fee.
Parents and teachers can communicate via a mobile app. The teachers can provide parents with classroom and child updates throughout the day.
Our entrance doors are secure. Each family is assigned a security code that allows them to enter the building.
Parents are welcome at anytime.
ALL children must be current on immunizations and have an immunization record on file to be admitted. We do not accept children with immunization exemptions.
Union Hill Day School will be closed on the following holidays:
Labor Day
Thanksgiving and The Day After
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day
New Years Eve and New Years Day
Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday
Good Friday
Memorial Day
4th of July
These are paid holidays for our teachers. Therefore, tuition will remain the same if a holiday falls during the work week.
Hot lunch is included in your tuition. Parents furnish infant food until they are eating table food. A lunch menu will be emailed monthly. A protein, fruit and vegetable along with milk is offered each day.
A morning and afternoon two part nutritional snack will be offered each day. We ask that toddler, pre-school, and kindergarten-age children not bring food from home unless they are bringing enough for their entire class except on Wednesdays. Children may bring a sack lunch each Wednesday, please note hot lunch will still be available.
Gymnastics and dance classes are provided by Tippi Toes Dance, soccer lessons are offered by Soccer Shots, and yoga sessions are conducted by Pose and Play Yoga. These activities are available for parents to register their preschool and kindergarten children. Children aged two and under are eligible to enroll in dance, soccer, and yoga programs. Please note that these classes require an additional fee.
Parents and teachers can communicate via a mobile app. The teachers can provide parents with classroom and child updates throughout the day.
Our entrance doors are secure. Each family is assigned a security code that allows them to enter the building.
Parents are welcome at anytime.
Annual Fee
Infant Care
Toddler Care
All-Day Preschool
All-Day Kindergarten
Part-Time Toddlers
Part-Time Preschool/Kindergarten
Tuition is collected each Monday morning through Tuition Express software. Families have the option of paying the weekly balance through a checking account or credit card. A late fee is assessed for insufficient funds.
Withdrawal: Two weeks written notice is required when withdrawing a child.

how to apply
Complete our application form along with the $150 registration fee. Please note: We encourage you to schedule a tour before applying to our school.
from the words of Maria Montessori
“What the hand does, the mind remembers.“